【全新收藏品】S.T.Dupont都彭 Rendez-Vous 1996 限量版 钢笔 411720M #HK8694

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SKU: #HK8694

【全新收藏品】S.T.Dupont都彭 Rendez-Vous 1996 限量版 钢笔 411720M #jp20823>#HK8694



Rendez-Vouz, a meeting…a magical, thrilling word, full of promises. The sun has a rendez-vous with the moon, but the moon is not an early riser and the sun always sets too early…this reunion is impossible, yet so tempting…

S.T. Dupont, pursuing its tribute to the force and mysteries of nature, has chosen to bring these two rulers of the skies together in a new limited series celebrating a perfect, caring reunion.
The sun and moon each have their own metal with their own color: gold with red Chinese lacquer for the incandescent sun; silver with blue Chinese lacquer for the moon.

The Limited Edition is cleverly designed around the phenomenon of Moon and Sun: each are represented in series by three objects: a pocket lighter, a fountain pen and a ball pen in each of the colour combination: blue and silver (Moon) and Red abd Gold (Sun). The seventh item, a Jeroboam Table lighter unites the Collectoin by bearing blue Moon Theme on one side and Red Sun Theme on the other - a truly wicked presentation!


S.T.都彭 追求对大自然的力量和奥秘的追求,选择将这两个天空的统治者聚集在一个新的有限系列中,庆祝一个完美的,充满关怀的团聚。

限量版巧妙地围绕月亮和太阳现象进行设计:每个都由三个物体串联呈现:每个颜色组合中的口袋打火机,钢笔和圆珠笔:蓝色和银色(月亮)和红色abd金(太阳)。第七个项目,一个Jeroboam桌子打火机将Collectoin与一侧的蓝色月亮主题和另一侧的红色太阳主题结合在一起 - 这是一个真正很吊的演示!








