rolleiflex/禄来 4.0FW prototyp白金机 全新品 包装齐

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rolleiflex/禄来 4.0FW prototyp白金机 全新品 包装齐 hk

a limited edition with the famous photographer Jock Sturges who's now shooting with the FX camera himself. When he has finalized that (which will be after the summer probably) this limited edition will be made with a signed book and picture included (a bit similar to the Helmut Newton Edition,Rollei made at the time). There will be made a total of 100 cameras;in 4 different colors;all in platinum and will come with 4 different pictures. So for instance;1-25 will be black and with picture 1,number 26-50 will be in grey and with picture number 2,number 51-75 will be in blue with picture 3 and the final possible edition will probably be in white with picture number 4.




港店地址:尖沙咀赫德道利威商业大厦1104a室。联系人JOJO,tel:23660616 办公时间:11:00-20:00,星期天休息